Negative Department
Negative Department combines everything you didn't like from four decades of popular music: the pretentiousness of 70's progressive rock, the self-consciousness of 80's radio candy, the dark sarcasm of 90's MTV-punk, and the incessant repetition of 21st-century electronic music. The result can only be described as a complete waste of your time.
The rhythm section consists of some slightly obsolete software, a (guitarist xor bassist), and sometimes also a hired-gun jazz pianist moonlighting as a candyraver. Thanks to innovations in technology and cheap overseas labor, the entire studio used to create, record and perform the band's haphazard assembly of mechanical beats and malfunctioning melodies fits inside a Honda Civic and costs less than a Les Paul plus a Marshall half-stack. With an assortment of grey plastic MIDI controllers that look more like toys for 5-year-olds, Negative Department's stage presence resembles nothing more than several hipsters breaking into a Radio Shack.
Hear what the critics have to say:*
* all of the above quotes are 100% fictional